//This is a BMI calculator
using namespace std;

//The function to calculate height in inches
int ConvertToInches(int ft, int ind)
    int height = 0;
    height=ft * 12 + ind;
    return (height);

//The function to calculate BMI
float BMICalculator(int height,float weight)
    float BMI = 0.0;
    BMI = 703 * weight / (height*height);

//The function to determin health status
string WeightStatus(float BMI)
    string stu;
    if (BMI < 18.5)
        stu = "Underweight";
    else if ((BMI >= 18.5) && (BMI <= 24.9))
        stu = "Normal";
    else if ((BMI >= 25.0) && (BMI <= 29.9))
        stu = "Overweight";
        stu = "Obese";

int main()
    int ft = 0, ind = 0;
    float weight=0.0;
    int height = 0;
    float BMI=0.0;
    string status;

    cout << "BMI Calculator" << endl;
    cout << "Enter the patient's height (in ft and inches-Enter 0 0 to stop):" << endl;
    cin >> ft >> ind;
    cout << "Enter the patient's weight (in pounds):";
    cin >> weight;

    cout <<endl<< "Height: "<<ft << " feet, "<<ind << " inches" << endl;
    cout << "Weight: " << weight << " pounds" << endl;

// Calling three functions to determine the final result
    height=ConvertToInches(ft, ind);
//  cout << height << endl;//put a test here to check the above function

//  cout << "BMI= " << BMI << endl;// Test the BMI value here

    status = WeightStatus(BMI);
//  cout << status << endl;//Test the result here

    cout << "Your BMI is " << BMI << ", indicating your weight is in " << status<< " category for adults of your height."<<endl;
    return 0;


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